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I am what I am. No more. No less. And I'm okay with that.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Second Chances

"Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important, sometimes"

- Richard Bach

I said at the beginning this would be a process. And failure is often a step you must take in growth.

I promised consistency and delivered quite the opposite.

Two months is a long time. Especially in the blogging world. Luckily according to my page views, no one really missed me.

I bet you're wondering what brought me back. What Earth shattering event broke through 60+ days of compounding apathy and personal disappointment:

Well, frankly, I couldn't sleep.

Normally this isn't a problem for me. But some events today had my mind asking a lot of questions. See I've been torn for a while now about whether or not I'm on my path, and what exactly that means.

I'm so used to being where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to do, that it's hard for me to know what it feels like to be headed in the wrong direction and even harder to recognize guidance when it's given to me.

So I write.

Sometimes the only way to quiet your mind is to get out of it.

When your brain is in overdrive it's important to re-connect to your heart.

And there's no better way to find your heart and lose your mind than to write.

Pun not withstanding, it's the truth. And that's what I came here 3 months ago looking for:


I'm not certain it's a coincidence that my abandonment of this blog and my acceptance of my current job coincided.

I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks.

But I will tell you, I won't go down that road so easily this time.

So I return to you tonight hat in hand.

Though I don't believe in mistakes, only opportunities.

And I fully intend to take advantage of this one.