Sometimes hurt
sometimes pain
grows to be
too much
you find the need to get away
the need to be alone
too much
Nature calls
opens its hand to beckon
Large oaks curling like fingers
you’re taken
from your Burger King world
to the land of the King of the jungle
a land ruled by beauty
a land without rules
you can go there
to the rows of pine
standing in line
you can go there,
and hear bird calls
the footprints
you can go there
stand alone
surrounded by trees
feel the forest breathe
in and out
let the cool breath run over
and through you
you can go there
see the
pristine white ocean
the island floating in its vastness
see the
light filter down
shadows dancing
see the
the mourning trees
see the
stench of death
let it envelop
so you may release it from your grasp
Let go
let nature guide you
let them show you the way
follow the path
follow the trees
follow them to a serene pasture
let them show you my place
let them take you away
far away
from this life
see the broken leaves
and see the scarred trees
let nature show you the way
feel the oneness with yourself
feel the closeness with your body
do you see something?
see the clearing
my crying spot
feel the relief coming from it
feel your own relief
don’t feel your pain
let it go
you can go there
come on follow me
you can go there
we’ll go together