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I am what I am. No more. No less. And I'm okay with that.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Duty vs Consequence

"If I act as I ought to do, what may I then hope?"

-Immanuel Kant

We've always been a society obsessed with results. We judge ourselves by test scores and pay checks. By miles ran and total pounds lost. By final scores and stat lines.

Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. 

Does this belief make us stronger? More likely to find success? Or do we lose something through this Utilitarian lens?

And I don't just mean in sports. Or business. What about family? Relationships? Wouldn't this obsession with results negate so much joy in love and life? A beautiful friendship ends, does it have to be considered a failure? If so, does that make it time wasted? Even worse, do we miss the joy in a touch or a moment because we are unable to even judge it until it's over?

Wouldn't that mean every relationship either ends in failure or death?

Sadly, I find myself in this mindset too often. I want so much, that I forget to enjoy what I have.

I miss so much beauty and wonder waiting for everything to flower. All the while this incredible being stands alive and vivid. Breathing, just for the chance at a blossom.

I am what is.

I remind myself.

And then I tell myself again, in this moment

I am what is...

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